How much does TESA treatment cost in Nepal 2023?

Male infertility affects a significant number of couples around the world, and one of the fertility treatments normally used to address male barrenness is Testicular Sperm Desire (TESA). In Nepal, the interest for TESA treatment has been consistently expanding, making it significant for planned patients to comprehend the expenses in question. This thorough article means to give a point by point examination of TESA treatment costs in Nepal in 2023, offering valuable insights to those seeking to overcome male infertility challenges.

Understanding TESA Treatment

Male infertility can be a distressing and emotionally challenging issue for couples attempting to consider. Luckily, headways in clinical science have given different fruitfulness medicines to address male barrenness. One such methodology that has acquired noticeable quality is Testicular Sperm Desire (TESA). This part dives into the principal parts of TESA treatment, shedding light on its significance, applications, and success rates.

What is TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration)?

TESA, or Testicular Sperm Aspiration, is a negligibly intrusive surgery used to recover sperm straightforwardly from the balls of men who experience issues creating sperm normally. It is a type of sperm recovery procedure and is commonly suggested for people with obstructive azoospermia or non-obstructive azoospermia.

The Role of TESA in Male Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment

TESA plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility, specifically in cases where sperm production or release is impaired. It allows urologists or andrologists to directly access the testicular tissue to obtain viable sperm for assisted reproductive techniques, such as Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) during in vitro fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI). TESA is particularly beneficial for men with obstructive azoospermia, where there is a blockage in the reproductive tract preventing the release of sperm, or non-obstructive azoospermia, where the testicles do not produce sperm adequately.

Conditions That May Require TESA Procedures

TESA is typically recommended for men with the following conditions:

Obstructive Azoospermia: In this condition, sperm is produced in the testicles but cannot be ejaculated due to a blockage in the reproductive tract, caused by previous surgeries, congenital abnormalities, or infections.

Non-Obstructive Azoospermia: Non-obstructive azoospermia is characterized by low or absent sperm production in the testicles. TESA may be utilized to retrieve rare pockets of viable sperm for assisted reproductive techniques.

Failed Previous Sperm Retrieval Attempts: In cases where other sperm retrieval techniques have failed, TESA may offer a viable alternative.

TESA vs. Other Sperm Retrieval Techniques – A Comparative Overview

TESA is one of several sperm retrieval techniques available to address male infertility. Other common procedures include Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA), Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE), and Microdissection TESE (micro-TESE). The choice of technique depends on the specific condition and individual characteristics of the patient.

Compared to other techniques, TESA is considered less invasive and can be performed under local anesthesia. Additionally, TESA may be more suitable for certain cases of obstructive azoospermia.

Benefits and Success Rates of TESA Treatments in Nepal

TESA has shown promising outcomes in assisting couples accomplish pregnancy when utilized related to helped conceptive advances like IVF or ICSI. Its prosperity rates can change contingent upon the fundamental reason for male fruitlessness, the skill of the clinical group, and the nature of the sperm recovered.

In Nepal, fertility clinics that offer TESA procedures have experienced and skilled andrologists who perform the technique with precision. The success rates of TESA treatments in Nepal have been encouraging, giving hope to couples facing male infertility challenges.

In Additions, TESA treatment is a valuable option for addressing male fruitlessness and assisting couples with satisfying their fantasies of life as a parent. As clinical headways proceed, TESA’s prosperity rates are probably going to improve, making it an undeniably sought-after answer for couples encountering male infertility issues. However, it is urgent for patients to talk with experienced medical services experts and go through exhaustive assessments to decide the most appropriate sperm recovery procedure for their particular condition. With TESA and other helped regenerative innovations, couples can explore the difficulties of male fruitlessness and leave on a confident excursion towards origination and life as a parent.

TESA- A route towards complete family

(TESA treatment cost in Nepal 2023): We have always heard and believed that a child completes a family. But, due to infertility, thousands of unfortunate couples wish to complete their family aka, to experience the joy of parenthood.

According to statics 1 out of every 10 couples is trying to conceive a child. More over, 13-15% of married couples are facing infertility problems in Nepal.

These statics are enough to show the rate of infertility in Nepal.

But, thanks to advanced technology, we live in a world where we have a scientific solution for every problem, and so are for infertility.

TESA- A dernier cri to treat infertility

Testicular Sperm Aspiration, also known as Epididymal Sperm Aspiration, is a methodology used to treat men with Azoospermia or infertility issues.

TESA is a treatment for men with nil motility of sperms. It’s a procedure performed through surgical biopsy where sperms are directly executed from the balls through a small needle.

TESA to evince to-

TESA is one positive step towards fruitful parenthood, and it is suggested to patients with three major conditions-

  • Patients are suggested to have TESA if they have a blockage in the epididymis.
  • Patients with blockage in the duct of testes
  • Male with low or zero sperm motility
  • Multiple drugs can be used to increase the quality of the sperm in the male, but in few cases having good sperm motility count is a hard nut to crack.
  • That is the phase when TESA comes into the limelight.

TESA Treatment Cost in Nepal?

TESA treatment cost in Nepal
TESA treatment cost in Nepal

Starting around 2023, the expense of Testicular Sperm Desire (TESA) treatment in Nepal can shift contingent upon a few variables, including the particular medical services office, the mastery of the andrologist, the kind of TESA method performed, and any extra symptomatic tests or therapies required. By and large, the expense of TESA in Nepal might go from NPR 40,000 to NPR at least 100,000.

Below is a general breakdown of the components that contribute to the overall TESA treatment cost in Nepal:

  • Initial Consultation and Diagnostic Tests: This includes the cost of the initial consultation with the andrologist to assess male fertility and perform analytic tests to decide the requirement for TESA. The expense might differ in view of the intricacy of the case and the quantity of tests required.
  • TESA Procedure: The essential expense part is related with the TESA technique itself. This incorporates the careful expenses, sedation charges, and working room costs. The sort of TESA procedure utilized, for example, regular TESA or miniature TESE (Minute Testicular Sperm Extraction), can likewise impact the general expense.
  • Medications and Pain Management: The cost of medications required for pain management and post-procedure recovery is an additional expense to consider.
  • Inpatient or Outpatient Care: Depending on the clinic’s policy and the patient’s condition, TESA treatment may be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis, which can affect the overall cost.
  • Complications and Additional Treatments: In some cases, complications may arise during or after the TESA procedure, requiring additional medical attention or treatments. These unforeseen factors can add to the overall cost.
  • Post-Procedure Care and Follow-up: The cost of follow-up consultations and any post-procedure care is another consideration.

It is essential for patients to talk with the picked medical services office and examine the particular subtleties of their case to get an exact gauge of the TESA therapy cost. Moreover, patients are encouraged to ask about protection inclusion and investigate accessible monetary help choices or installment designs that might assist with dealing with the costs related with TESA treatment in Nepal.

Boons and Bane of TESA

Every coin has two sides. Likewise, TESA has both advantages and disadvantages. Along with the plus points, you can get the side effects as well.

Thus, it’s de rigueur to have a good grasp of knowledge about what you are footing your step into. Check out the positives and negatives of TESA mentioned below.

Advantages of TESA

It’s a relief from long-term infertility. Plus, you can have a chance to be the genetic father of your baby.

Dis-Advantages of TESA

Not all the laboratories are genuine, and you need to know the difference between bonafide or not.

Factors Affecting TESA Treatment Costs

The cost of Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) treatment in Nepal can shift in light of a few elements. Understanding these variables can assist imminent patients with arranging their richness process and settle on informed conclusions about the costs in question. Here are the key factors that impact TESA treatment costs:

  • Clinic Reputation and Location: The standing and area of the ripeness facility or clinic offering TESA treatment can altogether affect the expense. Laid out and prestigious centers with higher achievement rates might charge something else for their administrations. Furthermore, centers situated in metropolitan regions or significant urban communities could have higher above costs, bringing about expanded treatment costs contrasted with offices in more modest towns or provincial regions.
  • Experience and Skill of the Andrologist: The expertise and experience of the andrologist or urologist performing the TESA procedure can influence the overall cost. Highly skilled specialists with a proven track record in successful TESA procedures may charge higher fees for their services.
  • Type of TESA Procedure: The specific type of TESA procedure used can impact the cost. Conventional TESA is a relatively simpler technique compared to microdissection Testicular Sperm Extraction (micro-TESE). Micro-TESE is more intricate and requires specialized equipment and skills, which may result in higher treatment costs.
  • Inclusion of Anesthesia: TESA is typically performed under local anesthesia, which is generally less expensive than general anesthesia. The inclusion of anesthesia can affect the overall cost, with general anesthesia being more costly due to additional medical personnel and equipment required.
  • Additional Diagnostic Tests: Before performing TESA, certain diagnostic tests may be necessary to assess male fertility factors. These tests can include semen analysis, hormone level evaluations, genetic testing, and testicular ultrasound. The costs of these diagnostic tests may add to the overall expense of TESA treatment.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facilities: The quality of facilities and advanced technology available at the fertility clinic or hospital can impact the cost of TESA treatment. Clinics equipped with state-of-the-art equipment may charge higher fees to cover the investment in advanced medical technology.
  • Post-Procedure Medications and Follow-up: Following the TESA procedure, patients may require medications for pain management and recovery. Additionally, regular follow-up consultations to monitor progress may also incur additional costs.
  • Inpatient or Outpatient Care: TESA treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis in most cases. However, some situations may require inpatient care, such as if complications arise during the procedure. Inpatient care will generally result in higher treatment costs.
  • Complications and Additional Treatments: In some cases, complications may occur during or after TESA, necessitating additional medical interventions. Such unforeseen circumstances can contribute to higher treatment costs.
  • Patient’s Location and Travel Expenses: For patients who need to travel from distant locations to access TESA treatment, travel expenses, accommodation, and related costs should also be considered.

Overall, The cost of TESA treatment in Nepal is influenced by various factors, and patients should carefully evaluate these aspects while planning their fertility journey. Seeking treatment from reputable and experienced andrologists, considering the type of TESA procedure, and understanding the inclusions and additional costs can help patients make informed decisions. Additionally, exploring insurance coverage and financial assistance options can provide much-needed support in managing TESA treatment costs. With comprehensive knowledge about the factors affecting TESA expenses, prospective patients can approach their fertility treatment journey with confidence and hope for a successful outcome.

Cost Breakdown of TESA Treatment in Nepal

Testicular Sperm Goal (TESA) is a particular fruitfulness treatment pointed toward recovering sperm straightforwardly from the balls in instances of male barrenness. Likewise with any operation, the expense of TESA in Nepal can shift in light of a few variables. This part gives a definite expense breakdown of TESA treatment to assist planned patients with bettering comprehend the costs in question.

  • Initial Consultation and Diagnostic Tests: The TESA treatment journey normally starts with an underlying meeting with an andrologist or ripeness subject matter expert. During this visit, the specialist will survey the patient’s clinical history, lead an actual assessment, and prescribe explicit symptomatic tests to evaluate male fertility. These tests might incorporate semen investigation, chemical tests, and imaging review to assess the testicular capability. The expense of the underlying counsel and demonstrative tests can go from NPR 5,000 to 10,000.
  • TESA Procedure: The main component of TESA treatment is the surgical procedure to retrieve sperm from the testicles. The cost of the TESA procedure may vary based on the type of TESA technique used, such as conventional TESA or microdissection testicular sperm extraction (micro-TESE). The complexity of the case and the expertise of the andrologist can also influence the cost. On average, the TESA procedure itself can cost between NPR 30,000 to 60,000.
  • Anesthesia and Operating Room Charges: Anesthesia is often administered to ensure patient comfort during the TESA procedure. The cost of anesthesia and operating room charges are additional components that contribute to the overall cost of TESA. Anesthesia charges can range from NPR 5,000 to 10,000, while operating room expenses may be around NPR 10,000 to 15,000.
  • Post-Procedure Medications and Follow-up: After the TESA procedure, patients may require medications for pain management and to prevent infection. The cost of post-procedure medications should be considered as part of the overall TESA treatment cost. Additionally, follow-up consultations with the andrologist are essential to monitor recovery and assess treatment outcomes. The cost of medications and follow-up visits can amount to approximately NPR 5,000 to 10,000.
  • Inpatient or Outpatient Care: The choice between inpatient or outpatient care can impact the overall TESA treatment cost. Inpatient care involves staying at the hospital for a certain period after the procedure, while outpatient care allows the patient to return home on the same day. Outpatient TESA procedures are generally more cost-effective, but the doctor’s recommendation may vary depending on individual cases.
  • Complications and Additional Treatments: While TESA is generally a safe procedure, there may be rare instances of complications or unforeseen medical requirements. Additional treatments or medical interventions needed to address complications can lead to increased expenses. It is essential to discuss the possibility of complications and their potential costs with the healthcare provider.

In summary, the total cost of TESA treatment in Nepal can range from NPR 55,000 to 100,000 or more, contingent upon the particular facility, the sort of TESA method utilized, and any extra factors or medicines required. Forthcoming patients are encouraged to ask about the expense breakdown with the picked medical care office and explain any monetary viewpoints prior to continuing with the TESA therapy. Furthermore, taking into account factors past expense, like the experience of the andrologist and the nature of care, is essential to guarantee the most ideal results in the excursion to beat male fruitlessness through TESA treatment.

Step to Step Procedure of TESA

TESA treatment cost in Nepal`
TESA treatment cost in Nepal

Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) is a methodology used to recover sperm straightforwardly from the balls for couples going through ripeness medicines, especially when the male accomplice faces issues with sperm creation or discharge. TESA is regularly performed by an andrologist or a ripeness subject matter expert and includes the accompanying step-by-step procedure:

  • Anesthesia Administration: The patient is normally managed neighborhood or general sedation to guarantee solace during the technique. The decision of sedation relies upon the patient’s inclination and the clinical group’s suggestion.
  • Preparing the Scrotum: The andrologist cleans and sterilizes the scrotum and the surrounding area to minimize the risk of infection during the TESA procedure.
  • Locating the Testicular Tissue: Using a fine needle or a specialized biopsy needle, the andrologist carefully locates and identifies the testicular tissue. This step is guided by palpation or imaging techniques such as ultrasound.
  • Aspiration of Testicular Tissue: The andrologist inserts the needle into the testicle and aspirates a small amount of tissue along with sperm cells. The collected tissue is then placed in a sterile container for further examination and processing in the laboratory.
  • Laboratory Processing: In the laboratory, the collected testicular tissue is processed to extract viable sperm cells. The andrologist or embryologist carefully examines the tissue under a microscope to identify and isolate the best-quality sperm for use in assisted reproductive techniques, such as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
  • ICSI or Other Assisted Reproductive Techniques: The sperm retrieved through TESA is typically used for ICSI, where a single sperm is injected directly into a mature egg to facilitate fertilization. ICSI is commonly used when the sperm count or motility is significantly low, making natural fertilization challenging.
  • Embryo Transfer: Once fertilization occurs successfully, the resulting embryos are cultured and monitored in the laboratory for a few days. The healthiest embryos are then selected for transfer into the female partner’s uterus during the embryo transfer procedure.

It’s essential to note that TESA is a minimally invasive procedure, and patients may experience some discomfort or mild soreness in the scrotal area after the anesthesia wears off. Recovery time is generally short, and patients can resume regular activities within a day or two.

Overall, TESA is a valuable fertility treatment choice for couples confronting male barrenness issues. The bit by bit method of TESA includes cautious recovery of testicular tissue to get sperm cells for use in helped regenerative procedures. With the headways in fruitfulness medicines, TESA has offered trust and expanded possibilities of effective origination for many couples around the world.

Is TESA a successful procedure?

With a 100% sperm recovery, TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) has been one of the number one treatments to overcome infertility.

Started with a 34% success rate, today TESA is giving a ray to hope to countless couples going to infertility out there.

Insurance Coverage and Financial Assistance

In Nepal, insurance coverage for TESA treatments may vary depending on the specific insurance plan and its terms. Some insurance providers offer partial or full coverage for medically necessary TESA procedures. However, elective or non-medically necessary treatments may not be covered.

For individuals seeking financial assistance, some medical care offices in Nepal team up with associations that give awards, advances, or different types of monetary guide to help patients going through TESA therapies. Furthermore, certain centers offer their own installment intends to make TESA more reasonable for patients, fanning out the expense over the long run. Planned patients are urged to ask about protection inclusion and monetary help choices accessible at their picked medical services office.


TESA treatment offers desire to couples confronting male fruitlessness difficulties, and understanding the cost of TESA in Nepal in 2023 is significant for those looking for richness medicines. By digging into the different variables that impact TESA costs, planned patients can come to informed conclusions about their conceptive wellbeing venture. Patients are urged to speak with their medical services suppliers, ask about accessible monetary help choices, and consider the nature of care to guarantee they get the most ideal TESA therapy result. With an exhaustive comprehension of TESA expenses and possible monetary help, couples can move forward with confidence in their pursuit of overcoming male infertility and achieving their dreams of parenthood.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the duration of the TESA procedure?

TESA is a pain-free procedure of 15-20 minutes performed under the guidance of a Non-Urologist known as Andrologists.

2. In which infertility conditions TESA treatment is suggested?

TESA is a modified treatment for treating infertility issues such as Azoospermia, a male infertility issue that occurs due to low or nil sperm motility count.

3. What is the average cost of TESA treatment in Nepal?

The average cost of TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) treatment in Nepal can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of TESA procedure, the clinic’s reputation, and the complexity of the case. On average, TESA treatment costs may range from NPR 50,000 to 150,000 or more.

4. Are diagnostic tests and consultations included in the TESA treatment cost?

The TESA treatment cost usually includes initial consultations with the andrologist and basic diagnostic tests to assess male fertility. However, patients should inquire about the inclusions and breakdown of expenses during their consultations.

5. Are there additional expenses to consider during TESA treatment?

Patients should consider additional expenses such as medications, post-procedure care, and any potential complications that may require further medical attention beyond the standard treatment plan.

6. Does insurance cover TESA treatment in Nepal?

Insurance coverage for TESA treatment in Nepal may vary depending on the insurance plan and its terms. Some insurance providers offer partial or full coverage for medically necessary TESA procedures, while elective or non-medically necessary treatments may not be covered.

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